Go Custom Profilers

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the need for precise and tailored performance analysis has never been more critical. Go, with its robust performance and concurrency model, offers developers a powerful platform for building efficient applications. However, even with Go’s built-in profiling tools, there are scenarios where a more customized approach is necessary to truly understand and optimize your application’s performance. This article dives into the world of custom profilers in Go, showcasing how to extend beyond the standard profiling tools to capture and analyze the specific metrics that matter most to your application....

June 23, 2024 · 2 min · Kirill Sysoev

CPU Profiling in Go with pprof

Performance is a critical aspect of any application. Understanding how your program utilizes CPU resources can provide valuable insights into potential bottlenecks and areas for optimization. One of the most effective ways to visualize CPU usage is through a flame chart, a graphical representation of your program’s call stack over time. In the realm of Go, a statically typed, compiled language renowned for its simplicity and efficiency, we have robust built-in tools for performance analysis....

June 16, 2024 · 6 min · Kirill Sysoev